Star-crossed in Andromeda!

Iancaimercer's Blog

I’ve just submitted my second project to Amazon Prime studios- yay!


The SF/Fantasy Shakespeare Project would have fitted in with the Global Celebration and 400th Anniversary, even though I tried pitching it to the BBC back in 2009, nothing came of it, but tweaked it every now and again. I did have it complete in Screenplay format- centered and all that, but had to re-format it, which is why it’s taken me about six months to reformat.

Beginning with Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, all revised in an ambitious and unique way, with all 39 plays adapted from the outlines and treatments I have written.

I have also done something no-one else has ever done before by creating a unique storyline running throughout the series and tying various threads from the History/Roman/Comedies/Tragedies and Romances together and setting them throughout the galaxies of the Virgo Supercluster, making All…

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About iancaimercer

creative explorer, on a journey
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